Resource Directory

Crisis Services

Access Adult Mental Health Division 24-hour Suicide and Crisis Line

O‘ahu (808) 832-3100
Statewide (Toll-free) 1-800-753-6879


Child Welfare/Protective Services (24-hours)

O‘ahu (808) 832-5300
Statewide (Toll-free) 1-800-494-3991


Child Help USA (24-hours)

Child Abuse Hotline 1-800-422-4453


Child and Family Service

Domestic Violence Hotline (808) 841-0822


Domestic Violence Action Center

Statewide (808) 531-3771


Hale Kipa

O‘ahu (808) 589-1829
Kaua’i  (541) 729-1630


Sex Abuse Treatment Center

24-hour Hotline (808) 524-7273
Main Office (808) 535-7600


Sex Assault Support Services

Big Island (24 -Hour Hotline) (808) 935-0677
Kaua’i (24-Hour Hotline) (808) 245-4144
Maui (24-Hour Hotline) (808) 873-8624


Human Trafficking of Children

O’ahu (24-hours) (808) 832-1999
Statewide (Toll-Free) 1-888-398-1188


Shelter and Crisis Lines for Family Violence (24-hours)


Honolulu & Leeward (808) 841-0822
Windward Ohi’a Shelter (808) 526-2200


Neighbor Islands

E. Hawai‘i (808) 959-8864
W. Hawai‘i (808) 322-7233
Kaua‘i (808) 245-6362
Maui (808) 579-9581
Moloka‘i (808) 567-6888


National Domestic Violence Hotline

Toll-free 1-800-799-7233


Abuse, Neglect, or Financial Exploitation of Vulnerable Adults

Statewide (808) 832-5115